Javascript HtmlJsonConverter
class HtmlJsonConverter {
constructor() {}
htmlToJson(element) {
const json = {};
json.tagName = element.tagName.toLowerCase();
// Extract attributes
const attributes = element.attributes;
if (attributes) {
json.attributes = {};
for (let i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++) {
const attr = attributes[i];
json.attributes[attr.nodeName] = attr.nodeValue;
// Set text content if provided directly in the element
const textContent =
element.childNodes.length === 1 &&
element.childNodes[0].nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE
? element.textContent.trim()
: undefined;
if (textContent) {
json.textContent = textContent;
// Extract child elements recursively
if (element.children.length > 0) {
json.children = [];
for (let i = 0; i < element.children.length; i++) {
const child = element.children[i];
if (child.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
return json;
jsonToHtml(json) {
const element = document.createElement(json.tagName);
// Set attributes
if (json.attributes) {
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(json.attributes)) {
element.setAttribute(key, value);
// Set text content if available
if (json.textContent !== undefined) {
element.textContent = json.textContent;
// Append child elements recursively
if (json.children) {
for (const childJson of json.children) {
const childElement = this.jsonToHtml(childJson);
return element;
How to use the HtmlJsonConverter
// Example usage:
const converter = new HtmlJsonConverter();
// Convert HTML to JSON
const htmlElement = document.getElementById('example');
const json = converter.htmlToJson(htmlElement);
// Convert JSON to HTML
const container = document.getElementById('container');
const htmlElementFromJson = converter.jsonToHtml(json);